Friday, March 14, 2008

World Peace

Yesterday, 14 Friday 2008 (2.15 - 4.00pm), I attended a talk on "Culture and Conflict: Culture of war, Culture of Peace" by Anthony J. Marsella. The talk was so inspiring and the speaker was so bloody good.

The talk: The talk covers a wide range of issues in relation of two conflicting cultures: the culture of war versus the culture of peace. It's such an eye-opening talk because you suddenly realized that war is a man-made event. War is planned by an evil person; a person who is profit-lover, greedy, inhumane, and care nothing about others. War can be triggered by so many factors even as silly as something you can't possibly imagine! However, the most devastating cost of war is the consequences...deaths, suffering, cultural destruction, economic loss, etc.... People know about this thing and yet they still pursuing war. These people don't have a scope for imagination at all, or else they wouldn't even think about war! Enough about war stuffs, let begin a new chapter in life by focusing on the culture of peace. It is possible to have and build this culture. In fact, there are also some possible steps towards creating a culture of peace. One that strikes me deeply is 'apologizing'. Say "I'm sorry for the things that happen". As simple as this is still a problem to some people. Sometimes, in a human relationship, saying sorry is seen as 'weakness' even though there's no harm at all in doing so. It's unthinkable and i feel sorry for those people who do not know the value of saying sorry. Pity them...

The speaker: He's a good looking fella eventhough he's in his 60s.. His face has such a soothing effect on anybody. He speaks based on his experience, cultural background and invaluable personal and professional experience that contribute to his current role as a peacemaker. He even cried during his talk when he shared his working experience with rape victims, homeless children, and poor people in some countries. He is such a good role model for all other peacemakers...his personality, his style, and his substance... I wish everybody can attend his lecture and get to know him in person...

The lesson:
I learnt a lot of things from this lecture because deep down I want to be a peacemaker too. I reflected every invaluable lesson I got and I started implemented it right away... I believe people can change if they want to change and there's a system of support around her/him. Only an egoist or 'buta hati' and 'buta minda' who do not want to change or do not want to improve his behaviour and relationhip with others. To these people...I feel sorry for you because you are missing the wonderful part in life.

-Fida D-
"Thank you for finding myself in you, I hope you can find yourself in me"

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