Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Reality Bites!


Sometimes, you feel that you have somebody to talk to

Somebody to share your thoughts and feelings

Somebody to share your sorrows and difficulties

Somebody who is going to provide a shoulder to cry on

When you are at a crossroad between ‘mental block’ and ‘emotional eruption’

In this so-called PhD journey

Unfortunately, it is all a ‘dream’, a ‘fantasy’, and a never-ending-hope

There is nobody! There is no one! There is no soul at all that can have that powerful emphatic character!

Not your so called loved one!

Not your so called partner in life!

Not your so called best friend!

Only HIM…Allah the Al-Mighty

He listens to your talks

He takes notes of your thoughts and feelings

He acknowledges your sorrows and difficulties

In fact, He always there when you need Him

During bad times or good times

He’s there and always be there for you

Thank you Allah for your love…

Thank you Allah for your blessings…

You are..afterall, my one and only true love!

-Fida D-

“Ya Allah, hanya Engkau yang Maha Mengetahui segala sesuatu”

“Hanya diriMu ku serahkan segala-galanya”

“Ku mohon petunjukMu”

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